MsgView Records Inserted/sec is the rate at which MsgView records are being inserted into the MsgView tables. A MsgView table corresponds to a unique Search or Sort operation. A record in the MsgView table corresponds to a single item in the given Search or Sort view.
MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error but will not take any recovery actions. Manual actions should be ...
MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error, updated the registry key (%2) and as a result, will attempt self-healing ...
MSExchangeTransport has detected a critical storage error, updated the registry key (%2) and as a result, will attempt self-healing ...
MsgView Records Deleted/sec is the rate at which MsgView records are being deleted from the MsgView tables. A MsgView table ...
MsgView Records Inserted/sec is the rate at which MsgView records are being inserted into the MsgView tables. A MsgView table ...
MsgView table Create/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being created in the Information Store. A MsgView table ...
MsgView table Delete/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being deleted in the Information Store. A MsgView table ...
MsgView table Null Refresh/sec is the rate at which MsgView tables are being refreshed that involve zero real updates to ...
MsgView table refresh DVU records scanned is the average number of records scanned in the Deferred View Updates table, averaged ...