UDDI Services Command Line Configuration Utility (c) 2007 Microsoft Corporation. . Description: This command-line tool can ...

UDDI Services Command Line Configuration Utility              (c) 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.  Description:      This command-line tool can capture configuration settings from UDDI Services components and save them to an XML file, or apply configuration settings to UDDI Services components from an XML file.   Usage:     uddiconfig.exe /o [drive:][path]filename | /f [drive:][path]filename     [/s ] [/u  /p ]  Parameters:     /o [drive:][path]filename    Capture settings from the components operating on the target computer and save them to a file.     /f [drive:][path]filename    Apply configuration settings from a file to the components operating on the target computer.     /s             The name of the remote computer that hosts the UDDI Services components you want to capture or apply.     /u                  should be in the form USER@DOMAIN or DOMAIN\USER.     /p                 The password for the specified .     /? | h | help                To print this help page.  Examples:  To export settings from components running on the local computer to a file (C:\config.xml) using the current user's credentials:      uddiconfig /o C:\config.xml  To export settings from components running on a remote computer (UDDISVCS) to a file (C:\config.xml) using administrator credentials:      uddiconfig /o C:\config.xml /s UDDISVCS /u Administrator /p   To import settings from a file (C:\config.xml) to components running on the local computer using the current user's credentials:      uddiconfig /f C:\config.xml  NOTE: This command-line tool requires Administrative credentials on the target computer.