Failed to create a new replica identifier for database "%1" because the number of replica identifiers reached the quota limit (%2). User attempting to create the replica identifier: "%3"
Failed to create a new named property for database "%1" because the number of named properties reached the quota limit for ...
Failed to create a new named property for database "%1" because the number of named properties reached the quota limit for ...
Failed to create a new named property for database "%1" because the number of named properties reached the quota limit for ...
Failed to create a new replica identifier for database "%1" because the number of replica identifiers reached the quota limit ...
Failed to create a new replica identifier for database "%1" because the number of replica identifiers reached the quota limit ...
Failed to create a new replica identifier for database "%1" because the number of replica identifiers reached the quota limit ...
Failed to create a Publishing License. This failure may cause features such as Transport Protection Rules, IRM in OWA, and ...
Failed to create agent factory for the agent '%1' with error '%2'. Please verify the corresponding transport agent assembly ...
Failed to create agent factory for the agent '%1' with error '%2'. Please verify the corresponding transport agent assembly ...