Instances of the CliFormat class represent a display strategy for the alias. The display strategy consists of a list of properties to be displayed together with aformat (represented by an XSL style sheet) to be used indisplaying them
InstanceID is an optional property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the ...
InstanceID is the property that may be used to opaquely and uniquely identify an instance of this class within the scope ...
instances - Lists all instances or the instances associated with a Filter or Volume %1 instances -f filterName ]|[-v volumeName ...
Instances of the CliAlias class represent aliases. These are used by the WMI command utility as a mechanism for restructuring ...
Instances of the CliFormat class represent a display strategy for the alias. The display strategy consists of a list of properties ...
Instances of the CliParam class define verb parameters. Each verb has a (possibly empty) list of parameters accepted by the ...
Instances of the CliProperty class describe values that will be used in a Format. Each property has a name, description and ...
Instances of the CliQualifier class represent qualifiers that influence the handling of the associatied object. These qualifiers ...
Instances of the CliVerb class represent behavior available through the alias. The Name property defines the actual function ...