NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service. /AUTODISCONNECT:time Sets the maximum number of minutes ...

NET CONFIG SERVER displays or changes settings for the Server service.

/AUTODISCONNECT:time    Sets the maximum number of minutes a user's
                        session can be inactive before it is disconnected.
                        You can specify -1 to never disconnect. The range
                        is -1-65535 minutes; the default is 15.
/SRVCOMMENT:"text"      Adds a comment for the server that is displayed in
                        Windows Screens and with the NET VIEW command.
                        Enclose the text in quotation marks.
/HIDDEN:{YES | NO}      Specifies whether the server's computername
                        appears on display listings of servers. Note that
                        hiding a server does not alter the permissions
                        on that server. The default is NO.

To display the current configuration for the Server service,
type NET CONFIG SERVER without parameters.

NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time.