Parameters: Value Description { | forestroot | domainroot} The node where the search will start: forest root, domain root, ...

Parameters:  Value                       Description  { | forestroot | domainroot}                              The node where the search will start:                              forest root, domain root, or a node                               whose DN is .                              Can be "forestroot", "domainroot"                              or an object DN.                              If "forestroot" is specified, the search is done                              via the global catalog. Default: domainroot.  -o {dn | rdn | samid}       Specifies the output format.                              Default: distinguished name (DN).  -scope {subtree | onelevel | base}                              Specifies the scope of the search:                               subtree rooted at start node (subtree);                               immediate children of start node only (onelevel);                               the base object represented by start node (base).                               Note that subtree and domain scope                              are essentially the same for any start node                              unless the start node represents a domain root.                              If forestroot is specified as ,                              subtree is the only valid scope.                              Default: subtree.  -name                 Finds computers whose name matches the value                              given by , e.g., "jon*" or "*ith"                              or "j*th".  -desc          Finds computers whose description matches                              the value given by ,                              e.g., "jon*" or "*ith" or "j*th".  -samid             Finds computers whose SAM account name                              matches the filter given by .  -inactive         Finds computers that have been inactive (stale)                              for at least  number of weeks.  -stalepwd          Finds computers that have not changed their                              password for at least  number of days.  -disabled                   Finds computers with disabled accounts.  {-s  | -d }                              -s  connects to the domain controller                              (DC) with name .                              -d  connects to a DC in domain .                              Default: a DC in the logon domain.  -u                Connect as . Default: the logged in                              user. User name can be: user name,                              domain\user name, or user principal name (UPN).  -p                Password for the user .                              If * then prompt for password.  -q                          Quiet mode: suppress all output to                              standard output.  -r                          Recurse or follow referrals during search.                              Default: do not chase referrals during search.  -gc                         Search in the Active Directory global catalog.  -limit          Specifies the number of objects matching the                              given criteria to be returned, where                               is the number of objects to be returned.                              If the value of  is 0, all                              matching objects are returned.                              If this parameter is not specified, by default                              the first 100 results are displayed.  {-uc | -uco | -uci}         -uc Specifies that input from or output                              to pipe is formatted in Unicode.                               -uco Specifies that output to pipe or file is                               formatted in Unicode.                               -uci Specifies that input from pipe or file is                              formatted in Unicode.
English (United States)