There are %1 pages that have hyperlinks to this page. Do you want to update these pages so that the hyperlinks will not be broken?
The |9 data access page name '|1' is misspelled or refers to a Page that doesn't exist.@If the invalid Page name is in a ...
The |9 index information (.inf) file for '|1' already exists.@Do you want to replace the existing |9 .inf file for the dBASE ...
The |9 project '|1' will be opened read-only because one of the following occurred:@Either the file is locked for editing ...
Then, if you want to reestablish the result set, you can rerun the query or view. Do you want to prolong your work with the ...
There are %1 pages that have hyperlinks to this page. Do you want to update these pages so that the hyperlinks will not be ...
There are %1!d! filters applied for this column or level but this dialog box can only display %2!d! filters. To edit filters ...
There are a large number of users which may cause this page to load more slowly. Search for a user or choose All Users if ...
There are a number of Bookkeeping tasks executed by the Queue System. Some examples are awakening jobs in 'Sleeping' state, ...
There are at least 2 TypeDescriptors with Name '{0}' that are marked as '{4}' on Method '{1}' on Entity (External Content ...