The Win32_DeviceChangeEvent class represents device change events resulting from the addition, removal or modification of devices on the computer system. This includes changes in the hardware configuration (docking and undocking), the hardware state, or newly mapped devices (mapping of a network drive). For example, a device has changed when a WM_DEVICECHANGE message is sent.
The Win32_DCOMApplicationLaunchAllowedSetting class is an association between the Win32_DCOMApplication and the user sid's ...
The Win32_DCOMApplicationSetting class represents the settings of a DCOM application. It contains DCOM configuration options ...
The Win32_Desktop class represents the common characteristics of a user's desktop. The properties of this class can be modified ...
The Win32_DeviceBus class represents an association between a system bus and a logical device using the bus. This class is ...
The Win32_DeviceChangeEvent class represents device change events resulting from the addition, removal or modification of ...
The Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress class represents a device memory address on a Win32 system. Example: ScsiPort0 device memory ...
The Win32_DeviceSettings class represents an association between a logical device and a setting that can be applied to it. ...
The Win32_Directory class represents a directory entry on a Win32 computer system. Directory is a type of file that logically ...
The Win32_DiskDrive class represents a physical disk drive as seen by a computer running the Win32 operating system. Any ...