Specify the quantity to ship. The ship quantity can be changed. However, you cannot enter a negative transfer quantity or ...

Specify the quantity to ship. The ship quantity can be changed. However, you cannot enter a negative transfer quantity or exceed the quantity in the Ship remain field in the Transfer orders page. The following update options are available: Ship now (the shipped quantity is equal to the value in the Ship now field on the individual lines in the Transfer orders form; this option requires a value in the Ship now field), All (the ship quantity is equal to the remaining ship quantity for each line; this is the transfer quantity minus the shipped quantity), Reserved quantity (the ship quantity is equal to the quantity that is reserved in the physical inventory), and Available quantity (the ship quantity is equal to the remaining ship quantity, if the quantity is physically available in the originating warehouse; if this is not the case, the ship quantity is the available physical quantity, which might be a reduced quantity).
English (United States)