Returns a table from the input {0} by applying the transform operation to the column specified in the parameter {1} (where format is {{ column name, transformation }}). If the column doesn't exist, an exception is thrown unless the optional parameter {2} specifies an alternative (eg.MissingField.UseNull
Returns a table describing the columns of {0}. Each row in the table describes the properties of a column of {0}: Column ...
Returns a table describing the columns of {0}. See the documentation for Table.Schema for a description of the resulting ...
Returns a table describing the columns of {0}. See the documentation for Table.Schema for a description of the resulting ...
Returns a table from the contents at the specified URL {0} formatted according to the SODA 2.0 API. The URL must point to ...
Returns a table from the input {0} by applying the transform operation to the column specified in the parameter {1} (where ...
Returns a table from the input {0} by applying the transform operation to the columns specified in the parameter {1} (where ...
Returns a table from the input {0}, with the columns in the order specified by {1}. Columns that are not specified in the ...
Returns a table from the {0} specified where the value of a previous cell is propagated to the null-valued cells below in ...
Returns a table from the {0} specified where the value of the next cell is propagated to the null-valued cells above in the ...