For accounting statistics the object consists of the following properties. A separate instance of the object is outputted ...

For accounting statistics the object consists of the following properties. A separate instance of the object is outputted for every connection 
1. Username of the user logged in
2. IPv4 address of the client machine
3. IPv6 address of the client machine
4. Hostname of the client machine
5. Internet facing IP address of the client
6. Tunnel type – indicates VPN tunnel or ESP tunnel for DirectAccess
7. Transition Technology: indicates the technology used in the DirectAccess connection - native IPv6, Teredo, IPHTTPS, Isatap, 6to4
8. Time stamp when the connection was setup
9. Duration for which the connection was up
10. Total bytes that were received on the connection
11. Total bytes that were sent on the connection
12. Connection type: DirectAccess or VPN
13. Health status: indicates the NAP health status
14. Authentication method used to authenticate the user and machine in VPN and DirectAccess