%1 %2 [/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec] - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system. To list all associations for a given volume, specify a ForVolumeSpec and no /On option. To list all associations on a given volume, specify an OnVolumeSpec and no /For option. Example Usage: vssadmin List ShadowStorage /On=C:
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /MaxSize=MaxSizeSpec - Resizes the maximum size for a shadow copy storage association ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /On=OnVolumeSpec /Quiet - Deletes an existing shadow copy storage association between ForVolumeSpec and ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec /Shadow=ShadowId|/Set=ShadowSetId - Displays existing shadow copies on the system. Without any options, ...
/For=ForVolumeSpec|/On=OnVolumeSpec - Displays all shadow copy storage associations on the system. To list all associations ...
/For=VolumeName /All - Queries the status of in progress revert operations. If a volume name is specified with the /For operation, ...
/freq:monthly should be followed by the /monthday | /day filter, such as: /freq:monthly /monthday:3 or /freq:monthly /day:sun ...
/GLOBALPOWERFLAG, /G {ON|OFF} Turns one of the global power flags on/off. Valid flags (to be used after "/OPTION ") are: ...
/hostlist load the hosts specified in /autorefresh interval auto-refresh every interval seconds /noping do not use ICMP ping ...