First Type the first name you want Word to use. Word combines this field with Last to create your full name. Word uses your combined name in the Properties sheet (File menu), in letters and envelopes, to track changes, and to mark any comments you insert in a document.
Find (Edit menu) Searches for specified text, formatting, symbols, comments, footnotes, or endnotes in the active document. ...
Find (Edit menu) Searches selected cells or sheets for the characters you specify, and selects the first cell that contains ...
Finds one text string within another text string and returns the number of the starting position of the found string (case-sensitive) ...
find_text,replace_text,look_at,look_by,active_cell,match_case,match_byte,match_ctlchars,match_diac,match_kash,match_alefhamza ...
First Type the first name you want Word to use. Word combines this field with Last to create your full name. Word uses your ...
First, specify the ranges. Type or select a worksheet range that contains data you want to summarize, and then click Add. ...
Fit to Page (Window menu) Places each open presentation in its own window, complete with title bar, scroll bars, and view ...
Fix Red Eye Lessens the level of red around a selected area, such as red eyes in photographs. Click the Fix Red Eye button, ...
Flag cells containing formulas that result in an error Flags the cell and enables error correction for formulas that result ...