Microsoft(R) Help Viewer 2.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. . Description: Runs the Help Viewer application to view ...

Microsoft(R) Help Viewer 2.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Description: Runs the Help Viewer application to view or manage documentation.

Usage: HlpViewer.exe /catalogName  [/options]

Example: HlpViewer.exe /catalogName VisualStudio11 /locale en-us
 /launchingApp Microsoft,VisualStudio,11.0

Required parameter:

     Specifies the product documentation catalog 
     to view and manage.


     Specifies the culture name (language and country/region) 
     of the product documentation to view and manage; 
     for example, specify /locale pt-br for Portuguese (Brazil).

     Specifies application-specific data that defines the 
     registry key for looking up product-specific settings.

     Filters the booklist for the specified SKU ID.

     Displays the Manage Content tab when the application starts.

     Executes a query to display specific content.

/? or /help
     Displays usage information.