/Fallback:{Yes | No} Determines whether clients that are disconnected will continue the transfer using another method (if ...

[/Fallback:{Yes | No}]               Determines whether clients that are
                                        disconnected will continue the
                                        transfer using another method (if
                                        supported by the client). If you are
                                        using the WDS client, the computer
                                        will fallback to unicasting.
                                        Wdsmcast.exe does not support a
                                        fallback mechanism. This option also
                                        applies to clients that do not
                                        support Multistream. In that case,
                                        the computer will fall back
                                        to another method instead of moving
                                        to a slower transfer session.

WDSUTIL /Set-Server /AnswerClients:Known /ResponseDelay:4

WDSUTIL /Set-Server /BootProgram:boot\x86\pxeboot.n12 /Architecture:x86

WDSUTIL /Set-Server /WdsClientLogging /Enabled:Yes /LoggingLevel:Warnings

WDSUTIL /Set-Server /WdsUnattend /Policy:Enabled /File:WdsClientUnattend
\unattend.xml /Architecture:x86

WDSUTIL /Set-server /UseDhcpPorts:No /DhcpOption60:Yes