Options: /DUMP SiteCode Dumps all site control images (or just the one specified) to the root of SMS drive /SYNCPARENT Forward ...

Options:  /DUMP [SiteCode]                   Dumps all site control images (or just the one specified) to the root of SMS drive /SYNCPARENT                        Forward all subsites to parent site /STOPSITE                          Stops all the services at this site /DELSITE SiteCode ParentCode       Remove a site from the database /UPGRADE SiteCode                  Upgrade a secondary site of the current site /CDUPGRADE SiteCode                Upgrade a secondary site of the current site using a local CD /DEINSTALL SiteCode                Deinstall a secondary site of the current site /SYNCCHILD SiteCode                Synchronize the child site /DELJOB SiteCode                   Delete all jobs that are targeted to the site
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