Description: Displays all Auto-Add devices on the WDS server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Get-AutoAddDevices /Server: /DeviceType:{PendingDevices ...

Description: Displays all Auto-Add devices on the WDS server.

WDSUTIL [Options] /Get-AutoAddDevices
                  /DeviceType:{PendingDevices | RejectedDevices |

[/Server:]         The name of the WDS server. This can be either
                                the NetBIOS name or the FQDN. If not
                                specified, the local server will be used.
/DeviceType:{PendingDevices |   Specifies the type of computers to
             RejectedDevices |  get from the Auto-Add database.
             ApprovedDevices}   PendingDevices returns all computers that
                                are pending administrator approval.
                                RejectedDevices returns all computers
                                that were rejected by an administrator.
                                ApprovedDevices returns all computers
                                that were approved by an administrator.

WDSUTIL /Get-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:ApprovedDevices

WDSUTIL /Verbose /Get-AutoAddDevices /DeviceType:RejectedDevices