SMS Collection Evaluator created an .udc (update collection) file for collection "%1". If this occurs at startup, it is not ...

%11SMS Collection Evaluator created an .udc (update collection) file for collection "%1". If this occurs at startup, it is not a problem and this message can be ignored.%12

Possible cause: The SMS SQL Monitor service is not running.
Solution: Restart SMS SQL Monitor. You can use SMS Service Manager, which is invoked from the SMS Administrator console, to stop and start components.

Possible cause: The collection was created before SMS SQL Monitor had time to install the trigger.
Solution: Look in the registry for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SMS	riggers\\Coll_Upd. If that key exists, the trigger was installed (make sure Active is set to 0x1). If not, SMS Collection Evaluator was unable to write to the registry. In that case, check for low disk space on the site server, or an SMS Service account that lacks privileges to write to the registry.%0
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