Converts a recorded TV file from .wtv to .dvr-ms format. Usage: WTVConvrter path_to_sourcefile path_to_targetfile /ShowUI ...

Converts a recorded TV file from .wtv to .dvr-ms format.

WTVConvrter path_to_sourcefile [path_to_targetfile] [/ShowUI] [/?]

path_to_sourcefile:   Specifies the path to the .wtv file to convert.
path_to_targetfile:   Specifies the path to the .dvr-ms file to create.
/ShowUI:              Displays a progress bar dialog box during the conversion process.
/?:                   Displays usage information.

       - You must specify a path to an existing folder for path_to_targetfile.
       - You can use the wildcard '*' when converting multiple source files.
         The .dvr-ms files will be created with the same name as the .wtv files.
       - If you do not specify path_to_targetfile, the .dvr-ms file is created in the same location as the .wtv file.


       WTVConverter  d:
ecordedTV\Arthur.wtv  d:\ConvertedTV\ /ShowUI

       WTVConverter  d:
ecordedTV\*.wtv  d:\ConvertedTV\

       WTVConverter  d: