{0} attempted to issue a client callback to show a selection menu: {1} ({2} {4} {3}). Client callbacks are not supported on {0}.
attempted to issue a client callback to create a DotNet object: {1} ({2} {4} {3}). Client callbacks are not supported on ...
attempted to issue a client callback to create an Automation object: {1} ({2} {4} {3}). Client callbacks are not supported ...
attempted to issue a client callback to dispose of an Automation object: {1} {3} {2}. Client callbacks are not supported ...
attempted to issue a client callback to show a confirmation dialog box: {1} ({2} {4} {3}). Client callbacks are not supported ...
attempted to issue a client callback to show a selection menu: {1} ({2} {4} {3}). Client callbacks are not supported on {0}. ...
Bank account %1 does not have the bank account number %2, as specified in the bank statement file.\Do you want to continue? ...
Because the "Use Only Max Limit" setting is enabled for query column {0} in DataItem {1}, any filters set on this column ...
Because this invoice includes Withholding Tax, it should not be applied directly. Please use the function Payment Journals ...
Before you can convert this database, you must use an older version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment to ...