This wizard adds one or more nodes (servers) to an existing cluster. All nodes in a cluster should use the same hardware, firmware, and software (including drivers and operating system updates) as other nodes in the cluster. Before you run this wizard, we strongly recommend that you run the Validate a Configuration wizard for both the existing cluster nodes and the new node or nodes. The Validate a Configuration wizard helps ensure that your hardware and hardware settings are compatible with failover clustering. Microsoft supports a cluster solution only if the complete configuration (servers, network, and storage) can pass all tests in the Validate a Configuration wizard. To continue, click Next.
This WINS computer has %1 processors. It has %2 bytes of physical memory and %3 bytes of memory available for allocation. ...
This wizard adds an install image to your server. You must have at least one install image and one boot image on your server ...
This wizard adds driver packages to a boot image. Before continuing, you should back up this image. To do this, right-click ...
This wizard adds driver packages to your server. Once the packages are on your server, you can define which client computers ...
This wizard adds one or more nodes (servers) to an existing cluster. All nodes in a cluster should use the same hardware, ...
This wizard cannot continue because Internet connection sharing (ICS) and/or Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) is already ...
This wizard cannot continue because Internet connection sharing (ICS) and/or Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) is already ...
This wizard cannot continue because no network connections were detected on this server. Shut down this computer and install ...
This wizard cannot continue because the required protocols are not available on %s. Add the required protocols, and then ...