// Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here.// The Dirty property will be set to false if save is successful.e.PerformSaveOperation();// Write your code that will run after saving here.e.CancelableArgs.Cancel = false;
Windows Metafile Graphics (.wmf or .wmz) images could not be converted because the conversion process was automated from ...
Write your code here to restore the global state.If (e.IsUndoRedo) Then' An undo or redo operation has occurred and the DOM ...
Write your code here to restore the global state.if (e.IsUndoRedo){// An undo or redo operation has occurred and the DOM ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here.' The Dirty property will be set to false if save is ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here.// The Dirty property will be set to false if save ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here.e.IsCancelled = e.PerformSaveOperation' Write your ...
Write your code that will run before a Save or Save As operation here.e.IsCancelled = e.PerformSaveOperation();// Write your ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot connect to a data source. Should (!XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) continue trying ...
XDOCS_APP_SHORT_NAME_PLACEHOLDER) cannot connect to the data source because the tool specified in the data connection no ...