Defines a localized string resource that can be referenced by natvis elements that accept strings (e.g. DisplayString, Name attribute of Item element). Use @; format to reference a localized string (e.g. @1001;)
Default text transformation data repository factory requires the document owning the model element to be open and be the ...
Default timeout per test will be overridden if timeout value is set as a test property. Test Run timeout will allow you to ...
default' can only appear on default constructors, copy/move constructors, copy/move assignment operators, and destructors ...
Defaulting .NET Framework v{1} to the .NET Framework v4.0 version of aspnet_compiler.exe. To change the version of the tool ...
Defines a localized string resource that can be referenced by natvis elements that accept strings (e.g. DisplayString, Name ...
Defines an area within which you can explicitly position child elements by using coordinates that are relative to the canvas ...
Defines the .NET runtime of the task. This must be specified if the task must run on a specific version of the .NET runtime. ...
Defines the .NET runtime version of the task host that this task should be run in. Currently supported values: CLR2, CLR4, ...
Defines the architecture of the task host that this task should be run in. Currently supported values: x86, x64, CurrentArchitecture, ...