Table with property SaveDataPerPartition set to No should have either property SystemTable set to Yes or property TableGroup set to Framework.
Table names do not match. The table referenced in the qualified field name must match the table referenced in the SELECT ...
Table TaxEngineTaxJourLineTaxDocLineRelation contains the relationship between tax document line and its created tax journal ...
Table that replaced ProjProposalTransUnion view used in Project Invoice Proposal List Page to make the query runs faster. ...
Table which stores sorting order at each level of the hierarchy for associated (via RefTableId and RefRecId) ProjPlanVersion ...
Table with property SaveDataPerPartition set to No should have either property SystemTable set to Yes or property TableGroup ...
Table with property SaveDataPerPartition set to No should have SaveDataPerCompany property set to No and either property ...
Table with the analysis code identifiers. Used for further specification of transaction data. Example: cost unit, cost center, ...
Table {0} in database {1} cannot be changed from DataPerCompany=Yes to DataPerCompany=No because the table contains data ...
Table {0} in database {1} cannot be changed from DataPerCompany=Yes to DataPerCompany=No because the table contains data ...