Configures the list of items displayed in the Places Bar in the Windows File/Open dialog. If enable this setting you can ...

"Configures the list of items displayed in the Places Bar in the Windows File/Open dialog. If enable this setting you can specify from 1 to 5 items to be displayed in the Places Bar.

The valid items you may display in the Places Bar are:

1) Shortcuts to a local folders -- (ex. C:\Windows)

2) Shortcuts to remote folders -- (\\server\share)

3) Common Shell folders.

The list of Common Shell Folders that may be specified:

CommonDocuments, CommonMusic, CommonPictures, Desktop, MyComputer, MyDocuments, MyFavorites, MyMusic, MyNetworkPlaces, MyPictures, Printers, ProgramFiles, Recent.

If you disable or do not configure this setting the default list of items will be displayed in the Places Bar."
English (United States)