This parameter is used to configure Teredo. It can take one of the following values 1. Enabled 2. Disabled Following are ...

This parameter is used to configure Teredo. It can take one of the following values
1. Enabled
2. Disabled
Following are the behavioral aspects of Teredo State
1. Teredo can be enabled only if two consecutive IP addresses are present on the Internet interface of the server. 
2. In a load balancing scenario 
    a. If a 3rd party load balancer is being used and Teredo has to be enabled then the load balancer should have two consecutive IP addresses
    b. If Teredo needs to be enabled in a cluster then the cluster should be destroyed first and two consecutive IPs should be configured on the DirectAccess server
3. The Teredo configuration is applicable per-computer or per-site (in the case of multisite deployments)