If a correction is made to a confirmed purchase order and that change results in a decrease to the original budget reservation related to the purchase order amounts/accounts; then you can choose to include or exclude the amounts for the corrected purchase order, until the purchase order is confirmed, if it results in a reduction to the reservation. This option is here to prevent a reduction in budget reservation due to a purchase order correction until the correction is confirmed, since a correction may be reverted.
Identify the type of the movement on line / article level. A movement(type) production contains f.i. use of components, getting ...
If "Use an external portal" isn't selected, when an email is sent to customers, the article contents will be inserted as ...
If a company is not replacing legacy solution, there will not be an opportunity to eliminate license costs. However, business-related ...
If a continuity order is created after the start date this will make the system consolidate to one order, rather than one ...
If a correction is made to a confirmed purchase order and that change results in a decrease to the original budget reservation ...
If a process has stages, all steps in the process must be contained in a stage. If you add a stage somewhere other than the ...
If a record is set to read-only, it means that the record is maintained or updated by a control someplace else in the system. ...
If a value is introduced in the Box field, you must specify the format you want for the amounts that will be shown in this ...
If adaptive learning is turned off, the system will stop learning from your users' edits of sentiment values and continue ...