Verify that an MX record is registered in a public DNS server for each domain for which you accept e-mail. The MX record must resolve to a Host record with an IP address that can be resolved by external mail senders. Additionally, if you are using the Sender ID anti-spam feature, you must also configure your DNS records to include your Sender ID information.
Validation of the routing configuration failed. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service will be stopped. Exception details: ...
VER Bucket Allocations Wait For Version Cleanup/sec is the number of version bucket allocations that must first wait for ...
Verify firewall settings for Direct Push Mobile Devices running Windows Mobile 5.0 and the Messaging Security and Feature ...
Verify that a transaction log file with the same generation number as the current transaction log file does not already exist ...
Verify that an MX record is registered in a public DNS server for each domain for which you accept e-mail. The MX record ...
Verify that content filtering is enabled on the servers where you are running anti-spam features and that safelist aggregation ...
Verify that the database is now in a 'Clean Shutdown' state. You can do this by starting another instance of this tool and ...
Verify that the database is now in a 'Clean Shutdown' state. You can do this by starting another instance of this tool and ...
Verify that the database is now in a 'Clean Shutdown' state. You can do this by starting another instance of this tool and ...