Copyfitting cannot be used on columns of text. Do you want to remove the columns in this box in order to copyfit the text?
Copy Picture command doesn't work with this view. Switch to another view, or if you are in a split view, make sure that you ...
Copy PowerPoint presentations to a folder that can be copied to a CD with a CD burning program. The CD will play on computers ...
Copy selections from Excel when you need to include data from product reports, sales projections, schedules, and other tabular ...
Copy the animation from one object and apply it to another. Double-click this button to apply the same animation to multiple ...
Copyfitting cannot be used on columns of text. Do you want to remove the columns in this box in order to copyfit the text? ...
Copyfitting cannot be used on columns of text. Do you want to remove the copyfitting on this story in order to add columns? ...
Copying the changes to the clipboard will let you look at the values the other user entered, and then paste your changes ...
Copying this term set will make a new term set that will include reused versions of the terms. The source terms will remain ...
Coral Sea Islands|Territorio de las Islas del Mar del Coral|Territoire des îles de la mer de Corail|Ilhas do Mar de Coral(AUS) ...