|9 can't connect you to the database right now. This might be a result of missing drivers or a more general problem contacting the server. We recommend that you install the SQL Server 2012 Native Client drivers if they are not already installed.@Would you like to us to open a page where you can download these drivers now?@@19@@@2
can't change these field data types.@Some data in this table violates the record validation rule.@Before any data types can ...
can't close the file.@* The network may not be working. Wait until the network is working, and then try again.* You may be ...
can't communicate with the OLE server.@The OLE server may not be registered.@To register the OLE server, reinstall it.@1@1 ...
can't complete the Output operation.@The Visual Basic code you entered contains a syntax error or the Output procedures are ...
can't connect you to the database right now. This might be a result of missing drivers or a more general problem contacting ...
can't convert this database to a different version because one or more objects are open.@Close all objects and try again.@1@3 ...
can't convert this database to the requested version because it has been 'enabled' to work with newer versions of |9 than ...
can't convert this database to the requested version because it is from an older version of |9.@You can convert this database ...
can't create a primary key because no fields have been selected.@You have selected a row with no fields defined.@Place the ...