The syntax of this command is: DFSCMD options DFSCMD configures a Dfs tree. options can be: /help Display this message. /map ...

The syntax of this command is:    DFSCMD [options]    DFSCMD configures a Dfs tree.    [options] can be:    /help          Display this message.  /map \\dfsname\dfsshare\path \\server\share\path [comment] [/restore]          Create a Dfs volume; map a Dfs path to a server path. With /restore,          do no checks of destination server.  /unmap \\dfsname\dfsshare\path          Delete a Dfs volume; remove all its replicas.  /add \\dfsname\dfsshare\path \\server\share\path [/restore]          Add a replica to a Dfs volume.  With /restore, do no checks of          destination server.  /remove \\dfsname\dfsshare\path \\server\share\path          Remove a replica from a Dfs volume.  /view \\dfsname\dfsshare [/partial | /full | /batch || /batchrestore]          View all the volumes in the Dfs. Without arguments, view just          the volume names. With /partial, view comment also.  With /full,          display a list of all the servers for a volume. With /batch,          output a batch file to recreate the dfs.  With /batchrestore,          output a batch file to recreate the dfs using the /restore switch.  /move \\dfsname\dfsshare\path1 \\dfsname\dfsshare\path2 [/force]         Move a folder that is in the Dfs to a different logical path.         If /force is supplied, replace links that exist if necessary.    Note that paths or comments with spaces should be enclosed in quotes.
English (United States)