External data sources are used to import data into Excel, but connections to external data sources can be used by queries to access confidential information available to other users, or to perform other harmful actions. If you trust the source of this file, click OK.
Excel was unable to correctly paste all of the data due to incompatibilities with the current file format. Please review ...
Excel was unable to get necessary information about this cube. The cube might have been reorganized or changed on the server. ...
Excel was unable to load a necessary component. This component might have been damaged or deleted. Reinstall the client software ...
Excel was unable to save the workbook because there was a problem reading or applying part of the revision history. You can ...
External data sources are used to import data into Excel, but connections to external data sources can be used by queries ...
Failed to retrieve a recordset for the Data Encapsulation operation. Check to make sure the page is bound to at least one ...
Field above a hidden Top/Bottom filtering context field can not be a custom group field. You are trying to add custom group ...
Field above a hidden Top/Bottom filtering context field can not be a custom group field. You are trying to remove field '|0', ...
Field below a hidden Top/Bottom filtered field can not be a custom group field. The Top/Bottom filtered field '|0' is hidden, ...