The Name property is an identifier for the DFS node. It is same as the entry path of a node, based on the Universal Naming ...

The Name property is an identifier for the DFS node. It is same as the entry path of a node, based on the Universal Naming Convention. 
It can take one of the following two forms: \\\\DfsServerName\\ShareName\\PathToLink where - DfsServerName is the name of a server that hosts the DFS root volume, ShareName is the name of the share published on the host server, PathToLink is the path to the physical share. The PathToLink is applicable only to nodes that are DFS links.\\\\DomainName\\FtDfsName\\PathToLink where - DomainName is the name of the domain that hosts the DFS root volume, FtDfsName is the name of the fault tolerant DFS root published in the domain directory service, PathToLink is the path to the physical share. The PathToLink is applicable only to nodes that are DFS links.