Re-register the performance counters from an elevated command prompt on the computer %ComputerName; by running the following commands: 1) unlodctr.exe /m:"(Virtual Machine Manager installation directory)\bin\" 2) lodctr.exe /m:"(Virtual Machine Manager installation directory)\bin\" 3) Restart the System Center Virtual Machine Manager Agent (SCVMMAgent) service. If the problem persists, reinstall the VMM agent on the computer %ComputerName;.
Provide a valid string to the ProductKey property for the guest operating system profile, template, or application host template ...
Provide valid value for the application setting. It should contain matching service setting delimiters '@', use '@' (double ...
Provides management services for Virtual Machine Manager. If this service is stopped, Virtual Machine Manager will be unable ...
Provisioning physical computers into Hyper-V hosts requires the existence of host profiles, which contain the settings and ...
Re-register the performance counters from an elevated command prompt on the computer %ComputerName; by running the following ...
Re-registration does not alter the VMM configurations on the Disaster Recovery Service. It will only renew the authentication ...
Read-only administrators can view properties, status, and job status of objects within their assigned host groups, clouds, ...
Reduce the number of channels selected for migration volumes or change the bus assignment of the boot volume to fit volume ...
Refer to the Virtual Machine Manager help for the list of supported virtual hard disk formats. Ensure that the disk format ...