If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests in the local forest that use that suffix are routed to the specified forest.
If problems are found, Startup Repair will fix them automatically. Your computer might restart several times during this ...
If provider is configured for Per Local Initialization, then the Locale property refers to Locale's particular instantiation ...
If provider is configured for Per User Initialization, then the User property refers to User's particular instantiation of ...
If remote media connection is turned on, the following Microsoft accounts will be able to access your shared music, pictures ...
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests in the local forest that use that suffix ...
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests in the specified forest that use that suffix ...
If routing is enabled for a particular name suffix, all authentication requests using that suffix are routed to the specified ...
If session limit is reached or connection is broken, one of the following actions is taken: Disconnect - User is disconnected ...
If set to true: once the file system is mounted, NFS requests are retried until the hosting system responds. If set to false: ...