The search name, which is copied from the product number. If you want the search name to differ from the product number, you can change the name. You can define two search names for a released product: search name in the Identification group (the name that is used for product searches in pages that list the shared product definition; the definition of the shared product is a shared representation of the product that is available on the All products and product masters, Products, and Product masters list pages) and search name in the Company-specific identification group (the name that is used for searches in the company where the released product is created; the company-specific search name is available if you search for the released product from the Released products list page).
The scheduling sequence values defined per company for intercompany master planning were changed during upgrade due to an ...
The scheduling status of the production. Operations scheduling is the less detailed of the two types of scheduling available ...
The scheduling status of the production. The following values are used: Operations scheduling (the least detailed of the ...
The schema {0} already exists and cannot be used for backup of dbo]. Drop the backup schema and re-create it by using SCHEMA ...
The search name, which is copied from the product number. If you want the search name to differ from the product number, ...
The secondary exchange rate. For example, this might be the exchange rate for the reporting currency if your organization ...
The section of the sales tax book that is associated with the selected number sequence group. If you have set up several ...
The security for budget plans is determined by the security model that you select for each legal entity in your organization. ...
The seed specified does not have a foreign key to any other table part of the project. This seed cannot be used in a line ...