TF30217: New Team Project Wizard discontinued due to the following error and is removing the partially created team project from the server. This may take several minutes or longer depending on the status of your team project.
TF30185: The action {0} you requested is not available for the object {1}. This error usually occurs when a process template ...
TF30186: The XML in the process template is malformed. The process template must contain a single Groups node. Contact the ...
TF30188: The team project URI returned from {0} is either a null or empty string or not a recognized URI. Try again. If the ...
TF30198: Engine failure while processing the completion of the task "{0}" from group "{1}". No further tasks will be executed ...
TF30217: New Team Project Wizard discontinued due to the following error and is removing the partially created team project ...
TF30218: Out of memory while processing the completion of task "{0}" from group "{1}", no further tasks will be executed. ...
TF30224: Failed to retrieve projects from the report server. Please check that the SQL Server Reporting Services Web and ...
TF30247: The New Team Project Wizard cannot continue because it cannot load a plug-in for the selected process template. ...
TF30261: Invalid project name - project names: must be less than {0} for this TFS Server, cannot contain any of the following ...