Detailed information about the evaluation of calculations. This event will have a negative impact on performance when turned on.
Deleting this report will automatically remove all instances where you pinned a live tile. Are you sure you want to delete ...
Demote the first row of values in the table ({[Column1 = "A", Column2 = "B", Column3 = 6], Column1 = "Hello", Column2 = "World", ...
Demotes the column headers (i.e. column names) to the first row of values. The default column names are "Column1", "Column2" ...
Design hierarchies for each incoming relationship path when attributes have multiple incoming relationships or, if any of ...
Detailed information about the evaluation of calculations. This event will have a negative impact on performance when turned ...
Detected multiple columns from one side joining with the same column ('%{table/}'[%{column/}]) on the other side. Currently, ...
Detects whether the text {0} contains the text {1}. Returns true if the text is found, false otherwise. {2} is a Comparer ...
Detects whether the text {0} contains the text {1}. Returns true if the text is found. {2} is a Comparer which is used to ...
Determine if the table (Table.FromRecords({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 3, b = 4]})) contains the row a = 3, b = 5 comparing only ...