This property affects the interpretation of all non-null, non-enumerated, non-binary, numeric, non-key properties of the ...

This property affects the interpretation of all non-null, non-enumerated, non-binary, numeric, non-key properties of the associated SettingData instance. All other properties of the associated SettingData instance are not affected by this property. 
Note: It is assumed that the semantics of each property of this set are designed to be compared mathematically. 
When IsMaximum = \"Is Maxiumum\", this property indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance shall define desired maximum setting values. The operational maximum values should be modeled as a properties of the CIM_ManagedElement instance.
When IsMaximum = \"Is Not Maxiumum\", this property indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance shall not define desired maximum setting values. 
When IsMaximum = \"Unknown\", this property indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance may correspond to maximum desired setting values. 
When IsMaximum = \"Not Applicable\", this property indicates that the affected property values specified in the associated SettingData instance shall not be interpreted with respect to whether each defines a desired maximum.
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