A mismatch occurred between the binding and the MSMQ configuration. Messages cannot be sent. The custom dead letter queue specified in the binding must be a transactional queue. Ensure that the custom dead letter queue address is correct and the queue is a transactional queue.
A message was received with a WS-Addressing ReplyTo or FaultTo header targeted at the "None" address. These values are not ...
A message with action {0} is an empty message. This message cannot be processed because the body of this WS-ReliableMessaging ...
A mismatch between the binding and MSMQ configuration was detected. The client cannot send messages. To use the custom dead ...
A mismatch between the binding and MSMQ queue configuration was detected. The service cannot be started. The ExactlyOnce ...
A mismatch occurred between the binding and the MSMQ configuration. Messages cannot be sent. The custom dead letter queue ...
A mismatch was detected between the serialization format specified in the MsmqIntegrationMessageProperty and the body of ...
A name collision was detected for the name '{0}' provided by a persistence participant of type '{1}'. A value provided by ...
A name collision was detected for the name '{0}' provided by a persistence participant of type '{1}'. A value provided by ...
A navigation placeholder must be specified on Wizard '{0}'. Specify a placholder by setting a control's ID property to "{1}". ...