Select a calculation date type, which determines the sales tax rates to use if you have set up different rates for different ...

Select a calculation date type, which determines the sales tax rates to use if you have set up different rates for different dates. Select Invoice date to calculate sales tax by using the sales tax percentage that is valid on the invoice document date or the date when the invoice is posted. If the Use document date for vendor invoices option is selected in the Accounts payable parameters page, the invoice document date is used. If that option is cleared, the date when the invoice is posted is used. This date is equal to the date in the Posting date field in the Vendor invoice page. This is the default value. Select Delivery date to calculate sales tax by using the sales tax percentage that is valid on the delivery date. For invoice lines that are not associated with a purchase order, sales tax is calculated by using the sales tax percentage that is valid on the invoice document date or the date when the invoice is posted. If the Use document date for vendor invoices option is selected in the Accounts payable parameters page, the invoice document date is used. If that option is cleared, the date when the invoice is posted is used. Select Document date to calculate sales tax by using the sales tax percentage that is valid on the date when you created the sales order. This date is equal to the date in the Invoice date field in the Vendor invoice page.
English (United States)