Forces a transaction that has an undetermined outcome to either a committed or a rolled-back outcome. Usage : ktmutil tx ...

Forces a transaction that has an undetermined outcome to either a committed or a rolled-back outcome.

Usage : 
        ktmutil tx force commit {TmGuid} {TxGuid}
        ktmutil tx force rollback {TmGuid} {TxGuid}

   Eg : ktmutil tx force commit {some-guid-here}

*** WARNING: use of this command may cause data corruption and
*** transactional inconsistency!  

This command is provided because it may be necessary in the event that
a superior ResourceManager is uninstalled, and will never come back
online; or in the event that a superior tm logfile is corrupted or
deleted.  This command will allow a dependent tm logfile to receive an
outcome, and thus remove this dependency and make forward progress.

However, it should be used only with caution, and an acceptance of the
possible data corruption issues.