The DFS Replication service failed to clean up old staging files at local path %1!s!. This can occur if some files are in ...

The DFS Replication service failed to clean up old staging files at
local path %1!s!. This can occur if some files are in the process of
being synchronized. If this causes the staging folder to exceed the
staging quota, the service might fail to replicate some large files
and replicated folders might not be synchronized. The service will
automatically retry staging space cleanup in %9!s! minutes. The service
may start cleanup earlier if it detects that some staging files have
been unlocked.

The staging space is shared by %7!s! replicated folder(s). These include:


Additional Information:

Staging Folder: %1!s!

Configured Size: %2!s! MB

Space in Use: %3!s! MB

High Watermark: %4!s!%

Low Watermark: %5!s!%

Member ID: %6!s!