Ruler (View menu) Displays or hides the horizontal ruler, which you can use to position objects, change paragraph indents, page margins, and other spacing settings.
Rotate Right Rotates the selected drawing object 90 degrees to the right. This command is not available if the selected object ...
Rounded Rectangle Draws a rounded rectangle where you click or drag in the active window. To draw a rounded square, hold ...
Rounded Rectangular Callout Draws a rounded rectangular callout where you click or drag in the active window. To draw a rounded ...
Row Edit Box Lets you quickly move between rows in a list created by using the List Manager. To move to a row in a list, ...
Ruler (View menu) Displays or hides the horizontal ruler, which you can use to position objects, change paragraph indents, ...
Runtime Failure: Could not get plugin's Table Of Contents. Please report what caused this error along with the error type. ...
Sample Size Sets the bit rate for each sample. A higher bit rate results in a higher quality recording and larger file size. ...
Sampling Rate Sets the frequency at which the audio recording is captured digitally. A higher sampling rate results in a ...
Save As (File menu) Saves the active file with a different file name, location, or file format. In Microsoft Excel and Word, ...