Name protection has been enabled on the following IPv4 scopes, but secure Domain Name System (DNS) updates is not enabled: {0}
Name of the Group Policy object for the DirectAccess server. Specified in the format DOMAIN\GPO_NAME. If a name is not specified ...
Name of the Internet facing interface 1. In a single network adapter configuration if the admin wants to change the interface ...
Name of the Internet facing interface of the specified server. If name is not specified then cmdlet tries to detect the Internet ...
Name of the Internet facing interface. In a single network adapter configuration the same name is specified for both internal ...
Name protection has been enabled on the following IPv4 scopes, but secure Domain Name System (DNS) updates is not enabled: ...
Name Protection is enabled on the scope. DHCP server is configured with the following settings: - DHCP server honors request ...
Name Protection is enabled on the scope. DHCP server is configured with the following settings: - DHCP server honors request ...
Name Protection is enabled on the server. DHCP server is configured with the following settings: - DHCP server honors request ...
Name Protection is enabled on the server. DHCP server is configured with the following settings: - DHCP server honors request ...