The DFS Replication service detected local changes to a read-only replication folder. Changes to the SYSVOL folder (such ...

The DFS Replication service detected local changes to a read-only
replication folder.  Changes to the SYSVOL folder (such as Group
Policy files) will be lost when the files or folders change on a
read-write member of the replication group and then are replicated
back to the read-only member. No user action is required.

Additional Information:

File Path: %2!s!

Replicated Folder Root: %3!s!

Unique Identifier (UID): %4!s!

Replicated Folder Name: %5!s!

Replicated Folder ID: %1!s!

Replication Group Name: %6!s!

Replication Group ID: %7!s!

Member ID: %8!s!