Forgets a transaction that is waiting for a response from a subordinate enlistment or tm Usage : ktmutil tx forget {TmGuid} ...

Forgets a transaction that is waiting for a response from a subordinate enlistment or tm

Usage : ktmutil tx forget {TmGuid} {RmGuid} {EnGuid}

   Eg : ktmutil tx forget {some-guid-here} {some-guid-here} {some-guid-here}

*** WARNING: use of this command may cause data corruption and
*** transactional inconsistency!  

This command is provided because it may be necessary in the event that
a ResourceManager is uninstalled, and will never come back online; or
in the event that a subordinate tm logfile is corrupted or deleted.
This command will allow a dependent tm logfile to forget a
transaction, and thus remove this dependency and make forward

However, it should be used only with caution, and an acceptance of the
possible data corruption issues.