Health and Activity Tracking is about to load a saved query containing an SQL statement. It is not safe to run queries from untrusted sources. Click Yes to load and run the query, click No to load without running the query, or click Cancel to do nothing.
Group must remain default until some other group becomes default. It is only possible to change default flag for the group ...
Group Name : {0} Database Server : {1} Management Database : {2} Perform this import only once for the BizTalk group. After ...
Has rights to send messages to partner document libraries and Orphaned Messages document library, receive messages from Outbox ...
Health Activity Tracking (HAT) is not configured to work with a BizTalk group. You must either create or join a new BizTalk ...
Health and Activity Tracking is about to load a saved query containing an SQL statement. It is not safe to run queries from ...
Hexadecimal delimiters separated by space and comma. Applicable only to Global party. They should be specified in the same ...
Host ({0}) is an invalid Receive Handler for {1} Adapter. Please go to BizTalk Administration Console to add {0} as a new ...
Host Queue - Instance State Msg Refs - Length: Tracks the number of message references in the instance state queue for this ...
Human Workflow Services (HWS) Runtime provides you the ability to dynamically compose workflow, receive workflow guidance, ...