Another user defined property has an identical name as this property. Please specify a different name for this property.
Another install of this package is already running. Please wait for the other install to finish before reinstalling this ...
Another installation process is running. Wait a moment, then click Retry. Or, if you are running any other installation process ...
Another macro project with the name '%1' has already been loaded. Do you want to unload that project and load this project ...
Another program installation requires a reboot of this computer. You must reboot before installing Visual Studio. After the ...
Another user defined property has an identical name as this property. Please specify a different name for this property. ...
Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
Another user has modified the contents of this table or view; the database row you are modifying no longer exists in the ...
Another version of Visual Studio is installed in the directory you have selected. Click OK to choose a different directory. ...
ANSI and Unicode source code for MFC, OLE DB, ATL, and ATL Server, including makefiles for the ATL and MFC DLLs and static ...