TransportSync Manager Database Consistency probe failed on the database '{0}'. Error message: {Probe.Error} Database status ...

TransportSync Manager Database Consistency probe failed on the database '{0}'. Error message: {{Probe.Error}}  Database status from Store: {{Probe.StateAttribute3}}  Is this database loaded by TransportSync Manager: {{Probe.StateAttribute4}}  From Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInfo:{{Probe.ExecutionContext}}  First alert observed time:{{Monitor.FirstAlertObservedTime}}  Total number of failed probes:{{Monitor.TotalFailedCount}}  Timespan between current time and next polling time that is out of SLA (if applicable): {{Probe.StateAttribute5}}  The number of items that are out of SLA (if applicable): {{Probe.StateAttribute6}}  The percent of out of SLA items among total items (if applicable): {{Probe.StateAttribute7}}